gender identity clinics
There are 7 Gender Identity clinics in the England and 1 in Wales.
The current wait time in the UK to be seen at a Gender Identity Clinic to get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is stated to be around 3-4 years.
In reality it is around at least 5-6 years.
Although not widely talked about you can apply to be put on the list for as many Gender identity Clinics as you wish ( excluding Wales if you do not live in Wales)
I realise this is not a comprehensive list and legislation will always change but this is up to date as of the time of writing (2023) :
For many trans people who are struggling with their physical and mental health, waiting all this time is just not a realistic option, and so many look into Shared Care options ( an agreement between your gp and a private gender specialist) whilst they wait to be seen by an NHS clinic.
The Tavistock and Portman clinic ( formally known as Charing Cross) based in London has the shortest waiting time, which is still approximately 6 years for an initial appointment.
Porterbrook Clinic Gender Identity Service
Sheffield, UK
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health
Nottinghamshire, UK
Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service
Newcastle, UK
Leeds Gender Identity Clinic
Leeds, UK
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Gender Identity Clinic
London, UK